Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Butterfly Award from Riley

I was awarded this precious Butterfly Award from Riley at Stampin' & Dancin' With Riley. Thank you so much Riley for the award and for thinking my blog is deserving of it. It made my day. I want to pass this award off to some people that really inspire me with their work. Thanks ladies for your continual inspiration and just the utter enjoyment of looking at your work.

Mercy from Lord Have Mercy!

Jessie from Can you say???.... Addicted (to stamps)!!!

Jamie from Graceful Designs

Nancy from iSTAMP

Chat from Me, My Stamps and I

Dawn from TreasureOiler Designz

Thanks for coming by to check me out and have a great week.



Jessie/knightrone said...

Thank you so much!!! I will go pass this on right now so I don't forget!!LOL!!

Nancy Riley said...

Pam, thank you so much for this wonderful award! YOU inspire ME too!